Our house is burning down

Santigold – The Keepers

Forgot to post this one a whiles back, but it’s fantastic and Santigold is amazing. This is her newest that I found earlier this week, and if you get a chance, search around for the music video (the one I had originally was taken down on youtube).

Been cooking a lot. I recently made the “hippie stirfry”, which is just stirfry onion, garlic, 3-5 different vegetables (i put peppers, broccoli, tofu, and carrots) and throw some soy sauce on that bizznazz. Then you can serve it over some type of grain, and I’m just using Jasmine Rice because that’s the cheapest so far.

Living in an apartment has proven to be exciting and making me feel independent in my decisions, but obviously comes with a lot of responsibilities. Making food everyday is just one of them, and another is cleaning and making sure you don’t completely trash the place, which has proven to be a little more difficult because of our hardware floors. Let’s just hope I don’t burn down the house.

And I recently got my desk, for only $30, and it’s the best thing in the world. Just have one more box and one more duffel bag to unpack and then I’ll be all settled in. And then just have to wait for the couches and coffee table to come in.

Also have been doing a lot of graphic design. I’ve been working on a comic book and so the past few days have been hardcore character designing. Keeps me busy in my spare time when I’m not working at Heal the Bay, and hopefully I’ll be able to get a job at the library soon enough. This has been a long post by yours truly, so I’m gonna sign off and work on other things. Keep on checking back for more music! And for your viewing pleasure, another character design!

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